04-06 SEPTEMBER 2024

MCC Networking Event @ Goodwood

Goodwood, Chichester

United Kingdom

Welcome to Goodwood 2024!

Dear Friends of MCC,

We are less then 4 month months ahead of our 4th MCC Conference in Goodwood.

In order to plan for you trip to our Event, please find below the instructions to proceed:

1. At Tilke we reserved the entire hotel at Goodwood for our first night of the event on Wednesday September 4th (Welcome night)

2. Our second night, from Thursday the 5th to Friday the 6th, we reserved rooms at Hotel (Tylney Hall)

3. We purchased 100 tickets for the Goodwood Revival

Please use the following LINK to confirm and reserve the nights at Goodwood, Tylney Hall and secure you Revival Ticket.

Early Birds

If you wish to arrive early and stay at the Goodwood hotel, we reserved an additional 30 nights for early arrivals. These rooms need to be booked directly at Goodwood:

Reservations Team directly on +44 (0) 1243 775537. The code needed in order to proceed with booking is TILKE030924

If you wish to extend your stay at Tylney Hall, please use the following information:
Molly Keen I Reservations Manager
Tylney Hall Hotel and Gardens I Rotherwick I Hook I Hampshire I RG27 9AZ
Telephone +44 (0) 1256 764881

If you have any questions on the agenda and itinerary, pleases do not hesitate to contact us directly.
